Owl Head Painting

Product Code: YN1480

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,999.00 2,999.00

Owl Head Painting is made on Italian canvas with oil color. Artist describes this as a representational form that explores color and form. This Owl Oil Art replicates the beauty of it by the help of stokes and entangled textures. The alluring shades and textures makes it a fancy that lives up to your expectation for luxurious home decor. This is 100% hand painted and is done on a canvas with the use of oil colors and highlighted texture. This painting is  created in March  2017.

Type: Oil Painting.

SKU YN1480
Weight 1500 Grams
Length 40cm / 16 Inches
Breadth 51cm / 20 Inches
Height 3 cm
Material Canvas
In Pack 1 Canvas Painting

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